Sunday, May 30, 2010

'Human' Selfishness

Or maybe it's sub-human selfishness.

Many years ago when I was considerably younger, I remember going out to my grandfather's farm where there'd been excavating going on.  Eventually, the pits filled with water and were kept as ponds, and my family would go back in the summer and swim in some of them.
Sometimes, while my parents were talking to my grandfather and step-grandmother, my two sisters and I would walk back to the ponds.  One time, along the path at the top of the hill, my one sister screamed and went running back:  there'd been a small snake at the side of the trail.  Another time, following a strange noise, I came upon two sets of eyes, one strangely on top of the other...then I realized it was a snake swallowing a frog.  Nothing I could do for the frog at that point.
The ponds were a place where I felt at peace:  it was quiet, with trees around, and birds, but no people.  I started to dream about the ponds, mostly about people who lived 'under' the ponds.  They weren't good, they weren't bad, they were just there.  I couldn't help but wonder if there had been people living there, long before my grandfather, and the dreams were showing me what once was.

Several years back, the ponds became a place where a few people (with permission of course!) could set up their trailers and camp through the summer, and eventually became--aptly named--The Ponds trailer and rv park.

Close by I guess is an area that's popular for dirt bikes and atv's, I am not sure if they have permission to be on that land or not, but do know they have no permission to be on my family's property.  The owners of the vehicles modify them for maximum noise level, and have been destroying the peace and tranquility of the Ponds.  Yesterday, the Ponds was in the local daily newspaper, the problems with the 'men' riding these vehicles has escalated.

I am outraged that they were confronted doing something wrong, and have the nerve to swear and attempt to run someone over.  If they'd had just a BIT of consideration for other people, this would never have happened.  But apparently, it is more important for them to make their off-road vehicles as noisy as possible and race and rev to their heart's content than it is for other people to enjoy nature.  Definitely a case of human selfishness.
I do hope these 'men' are caught.   Please note the quotes, I use the term 'men' loosely, since I'm really not sure you can be called a man if you intentionally run over a woman and a defenceless man for trying to calmly stand up for their rights.  Or maybe the people under the ponds will rise up to defend the land that long before had been theirs. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

Spending more time on Facebook now...and Doily Dilemma

But not too much!  I've recently started a fanpage there for my crochet--both patterns and finished items--and am gradually adding photos of my work. 
I have also started listing some of my patterns for purchase through Ravelry, and that's an even slower process, since I now have over 250 patterns.  Wow, didn't realize I had that many for sale!!  And once I get around to those ideas that have been floating around my head for a few weeks now, there will be a few more. 

I was recently given a few grocery bags of fabric scraps, with some doilies mixed in.  This was from a co-worker who just retired, and I so want to make something from some of this  for him and his wife as a thank you.  I had thought of affixing a doily to fabric, either sewing (ugh) or by ironing on with fusible web (tried the stuff, LOVE it).  Someone in my Etsyhookers team suggested stiffening them into bowl shapes, which is a great idea.  While mulling this over, a couple of suggestions came through the Crochet Partners mailing list--quite coincidentally because I hadn't posted anything to that group!  One linked to a blog where someone had sewn doilies together, to form a larger piece, then wrapped it around a pillow.  I do like the look of it!
There was also a link to a candle cover (around a glass container, and well away from any flames) made using doilies which was another idea, unfortunately, I seem to have deleted the email with the link.

I had also wondered, along the stiffening lines...can you use resin on crochet cotton?  If anyone has tried this, I'd love to hear about it!

Whatever I do decide to do with the doilies, I will have to wash them thoroughly, they'd been starched and stiffened, and some I believe were ruffled doilies but due to the storage, they were all scrunched up and the ruffles lost.  I might have some fun with these doilies, just a matter of finding time to play!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

A Mother's Day Gift

From my 12yo, who took images from items I've made and listed on Etsy to form not only the background, but the letters as well!  Thank you Allie!
Hope all moms have a wonderful Mother's Day.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Wow, think moving became a stronger possibility...

Continuation of my last post.   Where were we?   I had heard back from someone at 'Billing' where  either the link the guy I talked to by phone and gave me was wrong, or someone did not read and forwarded it to billing.  She gave me the proper web page to fill out a form.  (after a flew clicks to go to another page)
I filled that out, it was via  After a few days, I just heard back last night.  The da**ed message got bounced to BILLING again.  And I stated  on the form that I was NOT behind, even the worker on the phone told me my account was fine.  So, BILLING?  AGAIN?

I just do not understand how such a big company can seem to be so uncaring.  In my reply to this latest 'please call us' from billing, I replied with an "I think I'm GIVING UP".  Geez, I hate to seem like I'm not caring, yet I seem to be putting more effort into reporting this phishing attempt than Yahoo is putting into looking into it.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Yahoo, is it time to move on?

Ya know, I've heard people complain about Yahoo and trying to reach them with problems, but usually after several minutes of digging around their site, I could find a contact form to fill out for my particular problem.

A month or so ago, I noticed that my Sitebuilder was not working.  I did some digging, discovered that it's not compatible with Windows 7 and was able to reach them by a contact form.  Helllloooo, most places would try to come up with a fix right away.  Instead, I was instructed to uninstall, then reinstall following a troubleshooting option.  Okay, worked, I edited, published all was good with the world.
Until the next time I tried to edit my site.  Sitebuilder would not work.  Apparently, the installation method did not save the settings.  I contacted them again, asking if maybe I was supposed to uninstall and reinstall EVERY time I needed to edit my site?  I was given the same directions, with a little more to save the settings...again, I worked, edited, published.
Then a few days I need to say more?  I contacted Yahoo once more, to receive a message stating that I could call them if I needed help.  I was really hoping not to have to go that route.  There are times you want to speak to a live person, then others when a simple email conversation is preferable:  this was one of those times.
If you check out my site, there are pictures that are glaringly pixelated in brilliant red blue and green hues.  Why?  Because I really did not feel like calling Yahoo.  Seriously, I am considering moving my site, and I've been there from the beginning--of my site that is.  :)

Last week, I did wind up calling them.  I received a 'final notice, account suspension' email apparently from yahoo billing.  Well, a few things made me suspicious.  #1:  the payment to them each month has been showing up on my credit card statement.  #2:  the amount stated just didn't add up given my monthly payment.  #3:  A 'final' notice?  Don't I have to receive at least one notice prior before receiving a 'final'?
So, I called them to ask for an address to report a possible phishing scam.  The gentleman gave me an address, I happily forwarded the email, full headers and all, explaining that I was sure it was a phishing attempt, that although *I* did not click on any links, others might be more trusting and give out personal information.

The response?  Well, first, it was an automated message telling me they couldn't help me, to fill out a form at 'this' address.  Okay, clicked...had to click another link...then another...think there *may* have been another...then finally found the form to fill out.  The response?  Came from BILLING, telling me that if I was concerned about an overdue payment, that I could call to check my account status.
Uh...HUH????  Do these people READ their bloody emails?  In full I mean, not just skimming?

So, I may be 'house hunting' for my site.  Bravenet comes to mind...
And put that together with Ning doing away with their free sites and our Etsy team may have to move from there soon, I may be looking at major upheaval.