After working my 3rd midnight shift, and having a routine that basically equalled a 12 hour day with only 2 broken hours of sleep, when I got home this morning, I was tired. I was home early, so sat up to see the girls off to school, and kept busy weaving in ends on some squares for a friend. 12 squares, 4 colours each square...that's 96 ends to weave in and trim off. I looked at the little pile and proudly announced: "Cool! YARN BARF!"
Thankfully, I do not work tonight, so will hopefully get some sleep and have a much clearer head in the morning. Which means, I could look at this post in the morning, think "OMG, I posted THAT?" and my finger won't hesitate over the delete button. Or I could just leave it up, cause I think we all should give in to the 'sillies' once in a while.
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