I've finally 'made it'! I'm just about jumping off my chair, and hubby's trying to humour me, but doesn't fully understand my excitement. Sweet guy, humouring me anyway!
I had discovered earlier today that my Dismembered Digits pattern was selected for a Hallowe'en Preview Gift Guide on Etsy by Etsy admin. That made my day.
Now, after wondering why I had so many views on one item, I discovered that it was because the Dismembered Digits were featured on the front page of Etsy for a brief but glorious time! I've been selling on Etsy for a few years now, and this is the FIRST time I've ever hit the front page.
It is, I think, the highlight of a week that included having my car hit in the parking lot (with me in it) on my way to work...less than 30 seconds from a parking spot where I'd have been safe...and a night at work that started with me throwing up my hands and wanting to turn and run the other way.
That's me, bottom centre!

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