Next auction ends in about 5 minutes. Certainly more than $30 worth of thread, some still new in package, 2 watchers, and only ONE bid for 99 cents? YIKES. If it goes for 99 cents, I may just cry. I don't like putting reserves on, and I do want to clear out some stock, but NINETY NINE CENTS?? I just hope I didn't underestimate the shipping, cause after paypal fees and the ebay fees, I think I might make about FIFTY CENTS on this one. Double YIKES.
I'm really not sure why people watch an auction if they have no intention of bidding? I know I watch an auction here and there, and at least plan on bidding, but often, the bidding goes too high so I don't bother. I like the watchers who don't pay attention to the finish time and start watching hours before the auction ends, and since the item doesn't sell, obviously, they never come back.

Okay, Chenille yarn for sale, Honeysuckle retails for $3.95 a ball at their site plus shipping. Four balls of this, plus the Bernat Chenille, PLUS what looks like at least half a ball of white chenille, and a small cone of black, no label, but looks about the quantity--88yds. Estimated total retail before shipping (and taxes) $25-30.
Shipping will be the expensive part! If interested, you can have this for $18 shipping INCLUDED within Canada and the US. I will accept Paypal or a money order (sorry--no cheques, email me at crochetsal at yahoo dot com for an invoice, or for my address for the MO), and will accept Canadian money at par. Will ship upon receipt of payment.
First come, first sold!
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