March is more than half done...spring is just about here...I swear I can hear her footsteps around the corner. I can certainly smell her perfume now and then: it's faint, but there nonetheless.
Projects for this month were Easter. I vowed last year to put the seasonal patterns out the month BEFORE the holiday, gives people more time to make them. And so far, I think I've done pretty good keeping up with that. The patterns are all on my sale page, which is where all new patterns go at introductory prices. My fave this month is the firefighter teddy bear from my previous post. I know, not Easter, but I (and I'm sure I'm biased) think he's adorable.
The duck's butt did get done. Not as curvy as I wanted, but it works:

Also new are Meet the Bulbos (a recycling idea for lightbulbs--but NOT meant as a toy) and two more Egghead Buddies.
Next month? Believe it or not, I am BEHIND. I have an afghan started, I'm almost afraid to mention when it was started....(October). Now that I'm getting rolling on it again, I find I'm in dire need of more yarn. It is Red Heart, but even with no dye lots, I can't guarantee the cream colour will still be the same.
I just started working on beads today...don't want to say too much, but I think I'm going to have fun with these. But then, isn't crochet always fun?, I don't want to hear about last minute rushes to finish gifts that just HAVE to be done...NA-NA-NA-NA-NA...I'm not listening!