I've just finished designing a doll dress for a 36" walking doll. My 8yo got this a year and a half ago for her birthday, and after less than a year, we had to move it out of her room, she said it gave her nightmares. My daughters then dubbed her: "Bride of Chucky", or BOC for short.
Their thought was to get rid of her, but I put my foot down, seeing crocheted outfits in the future for this poor unwanted doll.
We did have fun with her last year! Dressing her up, putting her where no one would suspect and would be startled by finding her there. I think the best spot was a joint effort on the "girls" side (we outnumber my husband 3-1). We dressed BOC in jeans, my youngest's coat, and a baseball hat and snuck her out to place her behind the wheel of the car. Wish I could have seen my husband's face when he went out and found her, but he did get a laugh!!
Anyway, this dress gets a thumbs-up from my husband, who says she looks less "Bride of Chucky-ish". Wonder if the girls will think so? Amazing what a new outfit can do for someone.
The finished dress is listed at http://CrochetSal.etsy.com . The pattern will be available March 5th on my sale page: http://www.crochetsal.com/salepage either alone, or as part of the $3.95 membership for the month.